So, I am officially working on starting a photography brand -- I wanted to have a clear foundation in place to go from, and yes it is named after my dog. If being inspired by your dog is good enough for Indiana Jones, it's good enough for me! Let's all take a moment to picture Harrison Ford cracking that whip...yum! Oz is just a huge source of constant amusement to me and my husband and I wanted to immortalize him a little bit. I'm sure kids will come later but right now he definitely owns that role.
That and the role of King of Everything! Oz cannot conceive of a world that does not revolve around him and his comfort. Hence his little adventure last week. Thomas let him off his leash after a walk to run up the back stairs to the apartment and he stopped at our neighbors door which was open to take advantage of the Spring breeze, stepped inside, sniffed the cat and just trotted on in like he owned the place, checking everything out, and being a general pain when Thomas tried to call him to come out of there! Like, "Hang on, I'm checking out my new spot!" Oz, if you still had balls, they would be made of brass my friend!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Dancer in the Dark
I was fortunate enough to be invited by DeAwna, a friend of mine and very talented photographer to take part in a photoshoot she was setting up in the studio. She, myself and the equally talented Alaina were able to photograph the amazing Lauren, a Dancer and Pilates Instructor. Lauren had already been there for hours when I arrived but she was tireless and fearless, up for anything (even dancing with a rubber chicken!) and had great creative instincts. It was great to be in a room with two other photographers, able to play off each others ideas, offer suggestions and see how someone else worked. To simply observe was a learning experience in and of itself. I am glad I got to shoot though, once I started watching my fingers were just itching to get their hands on a camera and start clicking away! There is something truly satisfying about shooting in a studio with the lights preset, there is nothing to worry about except the composition of the shot. You are able to truly focus on the subject and what you want the photograph to look like. I do need to trust myself more, and be confident in my choices and clear about what I'm looking for. For the most part though -- too easy, drill sargeant, too easy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Neighborhood Pride
I love the neighborhood I live in! We've thought of moving, but we just can't tear ourselves away -- especially being practically right on the lake. There is nothing to beat living by the water, I don't think I ever could. The only thing we were lacking was a convenient Dog Park. Well thanks to a 49th Ward vote on funding for neighborhood projects we are going to get one. It's just one more thing to make this neighborhood great and it feels really good to have voted and to see it succeed. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here and hopefully we'll have the park by next year, I know Oz hopes so too!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I took these photos all in a row and I love how they unintentionally tell a little story, it makes me smile every time I look at these photos in sequence. That is the point anyway right, to tell a story through photos, to bring out emotions and preserve memories, to show things as they were, as you saw them in that moment. My current emotional state however, can best be described as burnt out! I think I've been starting to stress out about taking photos and I'm forgetting to enjoy it. So no more worries, and to modify a quote from my favorite TV Show, "Whatever happens, happens!" Back to having fun for me!
Imz gunna eatz u!

Only kiddin, Imz gunna lickz u!

Monday, April 5, 2010
Robots Invade Chicago!

A few months ago I started seeing these random robots appear in various crosswalks in Downtown Chicago. I thought it must be road workers screwing around or warnings of an impending robot attack, but after doing a little digging it seems there is an anonymous artist called "Stikman" behind all this and so far he has made his mark on LA and DC as well. I just think they are so cool and every time I spot a new one I feel like I've discovered a little hidden treasure in this already awesome city. So, keep an eye out, robots could be headed to your city next!
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