Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vive Le France!

I'm back baby!  After rest, lots of icing and some cross training I was able to get back into my training schedule and run the Bastille Day 5K as planned.  They moved the location from Greektown to Lincoln Park and it was a great course along the lakefront with some wonderful cooling rain for good measure. 

I always forget how much I love races until I'm at one, there is just such a feeling of excitement and anticipation, like, "Let's do this bitches, yeah!"  This year I was able to drag a friend along for the ride and induct her into the wonderful world of racing, and she liked it, didn't end up hating me and cursing my name.  Because it really is a great feeling,  running in a group of like minded individuals and really pushing yourself to see what you can do.  And there's bagels at the end.  Nothing tastes better than those bagels at the end of a race, unless it's the beer!  I went out intending to beat my time from last year and I was quite proud of myself -- I ran it in 27:41, knocking a full 1:11 seconds off last years time and I finished 812, which meant I was faster than 1,200 other people, which is pretty fricken cool :)

My half marathon is only 31/2 weeks away, but I'm ready, bring on the bagels!

.... And the Beer!

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