Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sir Ozenpoops

They say that you should write what you know, well I love to photograph what I know -- namely my family, but I've discovered that my dog is a much more willing participant. Dangling a jar of peanut butter in front of my husband's face just does not have the same effect as it does on Oz!

Thanks to a multitude of treats and peanut butter and with the help of my husband playing the part of Photography Assistant I was able to get Oz to sit stand, look left, look right etc. It was great, I loved learning what works and what doesn't to get the results I want and learned even more about what I could have done to better manipulate the light and use the light I had more effectively.

This assignment was great practice, I could definitely see Pet Photography becoming a niche I wouldn't mind be settled in. As sort of a win-win scenario I'm currently offering pet portrait sessions, an hour long session with ten high resolution images on disk for $25. All proceeds go to benefit PAWS Chicago on whose behalf I will be running the Chicago Rock N Roll Half Marathon in August!

PAWS Fundraising Page

Monday, March 22, 2010

Seeing the Light

With photography, beyond equipment, beyond settings, beyond composition, it ultimately comes down to one thing. Light. How you use it, how you don't, every photograph is how you were able to use light, to manipulate it, even to create it. There are tricks when it comes to natural light, ways to move and position your subject to take full advantage. However, in a studio setting you really are in charge and the possibilities for what you can create are endless and really freaking cool! It really is amazing that with two lights, a sheet and a person you can create a photograph that looks like a painting.

I've found that with creative pursuits I tend to get in my own way a lot, it's hard for me to trust my instincts and get out of my head, that was my main roadblock with acting. With photography though, as soon as I am behind the camera I just let go and let instinct take over. I am so fully in the moment that I don't have time to over think it, I have time only to do, and try, and experiment. It feels fantastic! I'm 28 years old today, and while I feel like life is flying by, it's good to know that I'm still learning, still growing, and that it's never too late for something new!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ice Queen

The Assignment: photograph a bride and add in a little whimsy! I was able to con a friend of mine into signing on for the photo shoot, despite the chilly weather and the fact that her dress was strapless! We had a great time though and got some amazing shots, helped in no small part by the fact that she is gorgeous and a natural in front of the camera. It was my first time doing something like this and I loved it. All my nerves vanished once I started shooting and my mind just clicked along seeing possibilities in everything. It was an incredible feeling and if poor Keysha hadn't been turning into an icicle I could have shot all afternoon!
In the end I think my favorite photos involved a cool pair of metal steps we discovered on the beach, and the contrast of the coat and scarf over her gown. You just never know what's going to yield the most interesting results. And of course, it wouldn't be a post with out Oz sticking his nose in there somewhere!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kick Start

I work in an office, in a cubicle really, and even though I have great windows with an excellent view of Union Station with plenty of sunshine, it's still a cubicle. I started my job as a temp and got hired permanently for being so awesome, and there really is a lot that's great about it. All the coffee I can drink, walking distance to a gym, smack dab in the middle of the city, but what started as a great way to have Insurance and a paycheck that facilitated travel and figure out what I wanted to do with my life as I drifted away from Acting began to leach all creative thinking from my brain.

I knew I needed to kick start the creative part of my brain that's been taking it entirely too easy. I have always loved taking photos, of anything and everything, I love having that tangible reminder of moments in my life, and photos (especially in the age of digital!) take up way less space than a collection of snow globes. I got myself a Nikon D3000 DSLR starter camera and classes at the Chicago Photography Academy and now I am loving life! I'm thinking creatively, I'm surprising myself, I'm being pushed out of my comfort zone and feeling sick to my stomach over assignments and I'm loving every minute of it.

I plan to use this blog to share my work as I learn and improve and get myself deeper into this Photography business. I think it's love and it's getting pretty serious!

I'll leave you with a photo of my adorable pup Oz and the namesake for this blog.