With photography, beyond equipment, beyond settings, beyond composition, it ultimately comes down to one thing. Light. How you use it, how you don't, every photograph is how you were able to use light, to manipulate it, even to create it. There are tricks when it comes to natural light, ways to move and position your subject to take full advantage. However, in a studio setting you really are in charge and the possibilities for what you can create are endless and really freaking cool! It really is amazing that with two lights, a sheet and a person you can create a photograph that looks like a painting.
I've found that with creative pursuits I tend to get in my own way a lot, it's hard for me to trust my instincts and get out of my head, that was my main roadblock with acting. With photography though, as soon as I am behind the camera I just let go and let instinct take over. I am so fully in the moment that I don't have time to over think it, I have time only to do, and try, and experiment. It feels fantastic! I'm 28 years old today, and while I feel like life is flying by, it's good to know that I'm still learning, still growing, and that it's never too late for something new!
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